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Monsieur Germain by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Marthe Berard (also known as Girl Wearing a Blue Sash) by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Madame Marie Octavie Bernier by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Madame Darras as an Horsewoman by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Madame Alphonse Daudet by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Lady in a Black Dress by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Jacques-Eugene Spuller by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Girls in Black by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Eugene Murer by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Colonel Barton Howard Jenks by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Claude Monet (also known as The Reader) by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Claude Monet Reading by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Alfred Sisley by Pierre Auguste Renoir - Art Print
Young Woman with a Wine Glass by Octave Tassaert - Art Print
Woman with a Parakeet by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Woman Arranging Her Veil by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Susan in a Toque Trimmed with Two Roses by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Portrait of Madame X Dressed for the Matinee by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Portrait of a Lady of Seville by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Peasant Mother and Child by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Mrs. Robert S. Cassatt (also known as Katherine Kelson Johnston Cassatt) by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Mrs. Gardner Cassatt in Black by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Moise Dryfus by Mary Cassatt - Art Print
Self Portrait with a Palette by Maria Konstantinowna Bashkirtseff - Art Print