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Rome: A View of The Colosseum by Caspar Andriaans Van Wittel - Art Print
The Hon. Frances Duncombe by Thomas Gainsborough - Art Print
Squire John Wilkinson by Thomas Gainsborough - Art Print
Self-Portrait by Thomas Gainsborough - Art Print
Elizabeth Wrottesley by Thomas Gainsborough - Art Print
Duchess of Beaufort by Thomas Gainsborough - Art Print
Self-Portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds - Art Print
Portrait of Lord John Townshend by Sir Joshua Reynolds - Art Print
Lady Elizabeth Hamilton by Sir Joshua Reynolds - Art Print
Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire by Sir Joshua Reynolds - Art Print
Brown Boy by Sir Joshua Reynolds - Art Print
Sacrifice to Vesta by Sebastiano Ricci - Art Print
Camillus Rescuing Rome from Brennus by Sebastiano Ricci - Art Print
Allegorical Tomb of the Duke of Devonshire by Sebastiano Ricci - Art Print
Portrait of a Boy by Rosalba Carriera - Art Print
Fete in a Wood by Nicolas Lancret - Art Print
Portrait of Marianne de Mahony, full-length, in a blue and white dress, as a water nymph by Nicolas De Largilliere - Art Print
Portrait of Charles Le Brun by Nicolas De Largilliere - Art Print
Portrait of Jean-Jacques Rousseau by Maurice Quentin De La Tour - Art Print
Jean Le Rond d'Alambert by Maurice Quentin De La Tour - Art Print
Two Lovers by Marcus Stone - Art Print
The Storm by Louis-Joseph Watteau - Art Print
The Bibliomaniacs by Louis C Moeller - Art Print
An Old Man Reading by Johann Hamza - Art Print