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The Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Francesco Fontebasso - Art Print
Allegory of May: Triumph of Apollo by Francesco Del Cossa - Art Print
Allegory of April: Triumph of Venus by Francesco Del Cossa - Art Print
The Forge of Vulcan by Francesco Bassano - Art Print
Orpheus Charming the Animals by Francesco Bassano - Art Print
Venus Attended by Nymphs and Cupids by Francesco Albani - Art Print
Toilet of Venus by Francesco Albani - Art Print
The Cupids Disarmed by Francesco Albani - Art Print
Diana and Actaeon by Francesco Albani - Art Print
Adonis Led by Cupids to Venus, detail by Francesco Albani - Art Print
Ophelia by Frances E MacDonald - Art Print
The Nymph Salmacis and Hermaphroditus by Francois-Joseph Navez - Art Print
Envy Plucking the Wings of Fame by Francois-Guillaume Menageot - Art Print
Cupid and Psyche by Francois-Edouard Picot - Art Print
Zeuxis Choosing his Models for the Image of Helen from Among the Girls of Croton by Francois-Andre Vincent - Art Print
Cephalus and Procris (detail) by Francois Spiering - Art Print
Amadigi Rescuing Oriana (detail) by Francois Spiering - Art Print
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia by Francois Perrier - Art Print
Aeneas and his Companions Fighting the Harpies by Francois Perrier - Art Print
Acis, Galatea, and Polyphemus by Francois Perrier - Art Print
Time Saving Truth from Falsehood and Envy by Francois Lemoyne - Art Print
Hercules and Omphale by Francois Lemoyne - Art Print
Cupid and Psyche by Baron Francois Gerard - Art Print
Bacchus and Ariadne by Francois De Troy - Art Print