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The Harvesters by Henri Lebasque - Art Print
The Washerwoman by Henri Edmond Cross - Art Print
Study for 'The Grape Pickers' by Henri Edmond Cross - Art Print
Femmes Liant La Vigne by Henri Edmond Cross - Art Print
Peasant Couple in Farmyard by Henri Adrien Tanoux - Art Print
The Clothes Line by Helen Allingham - Art Print
The Potato Gatherers by Guy Orlando Rose - Art Print
The End of the Day by Guy Orlando Rose - Art Print
Preparing the Wool by Gustave Nicolas Pinel - Art Print
Harvesters by Gustave Gildemeister - Art Print
The Laundry by Giovanni Boldini - Art Print
The Laundress by Giacomo Ceruti - Art Print
The Ploughman by Georges-Philibert-Charles Maroniez - Art Print
The Stone Breakers by Georges Seurat - Art Print
The Stone Breaker by Georges Seurat - Art Print
The Mower by Georges Seurat - Art Print
A Stone Breaker and Wheelbarrow, Le Raincy by Georges Seurat - Art Print
Men Laying Stakes by Georges Seurat - Art Print
Farm Women at Work by Georges Seurat - Art Print
The End of the Day by Georges Laugee - Art Print
The Coming Storm by Georges Laugee - Art Print
The Hop Gardens by George Vicat Cole - Art Print
Haymaking by George Stubbs - Art Print
The Old Barn by George Inness - Art Print