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View of the Bay and Harbor of New York, from Gowanus Heights, Brooklyn by William Henry Bartlett - Art Print
The Bay of New York Looking to the Narrows and Staten Island, Taken from Brooklyn Heights by William Guy Wall - Art Print
Civita Castellana and Mount Soracte, 1852 by Russell Smith - Art Print
The Traveler's First View of New York - The Battery and Flagstaff by Pavel Petrovich Svinin - Art Print
View of New York from Williamsburg by Nicolino Calyo - Art Print
View of Hoboken Taken from the Ferry by Nicolino Calyo - Art Print
View from My Work Room Window in Hammond Street, New York City by John Hill - Art Print
Franconia Notch, New Hampshire by John Frederick Kensett - Art Print
A Forest Cascade at Hiram, Maine by Henry Hitchings - Art Print
Convent near Rome by George Henry Yewell - Art Print