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Parable of the Lost Drachma by Domenico Feti - Art Print
Parable of the Good Samaritan by Domenico Feti - Art Print
Moses Before the Burning Bush by Domenico Feti - Art Print
Flight to Egypt by Domenico Feti - Art Print
Ecce Homo by Domenico Feti - Art Print
David with the Head of Goliath by Domenico Feti - Art Print
David by Domenico Feti - Art Print
David (detail) by Domenico Feti - Art Print
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Domenichino - Art Print
St Cecilia by Domenichino - Art Print
St Cecilia before the Judge by Domenichino - Art Print
Sibyl by Domenichino - Art Print
Saint Agnes by Domenichino - Art Print
Portrait of Monsignor Giovanni Battista Agucchi by Domenichino - Art Print
Portrait of Cardinal Agucchi by Domenichino - Art Print
Portrait of Cardinal Agucchi (detail) by Domenichino - Art Print
Mary Magdalene Taken up to Heaven by Domenichino - Art Print
Madonna and Child with St Petronius and St John the Evangelist by Domenichino - Art Print
Landscape with the Flight into Egypt by Domenichino - Art Print
Adam and Eve by Domenichino - Art Print
The Capture of Christ with the Malchus Episode by Dirck Van Baburen - Art Print
St Sebastian Attended by St Irene and Her Maid by Dirck Van Baburen - Art Print
Christ Washing the Apostles Feet by Dirck Van Baburen - Art Print
The Penitent Mary Magdalen by Dirck Gerritsz Bleker - Art Print