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Moses Brings Forth Water out of the Rock by Filippino Lippi - Art Print
Mordecai by Filippino Lippi - Art Print
Landscape with the Finding of Moses by Etienne Allegrain - Art Print
Interior of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam by Emanuel De Witte - Art Print
Mount Sinai by El Greco - Art Print
The Daughter of Jephthah by Edouard Bernard Debat-Ponsan - Art Print
David and Goliath by Edgar Degas - Art Print
Moses Before the Burning Bush by Domenico Feti - Art Print
Flight to Egypt by Domenico Feti - Art Print
David with the Head of Goliath by Domenico Feti - Art Print
David by Domenico Feti - Art Print
David (detail) by Domenico Feti - Art Print
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Domenichino - Art Print
Susanna In The Bath And The Stoning Of The Elders by Denys Van Alsloot - Art Print
Dante's Vision of Rachel and Leah by Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Art Print
Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Corrado Giaquinto - Art Print
The Finding of Moses by Cornelis Van Poelenburgh - Art Print
Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Cornelis Van Poelenburgh - Art Print
The Finding of Moses by Charles De la Fosse - Art Print
Bathsheba Goes to King David by Cecchino Del Salviati - Art Print
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Carlo Saraceni - Art Print
Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well by Carlo Maratti - Art Print
The Finding of Moses by Bonifazio Veronese - Art Print
The Finding of Moses (detail) by Bonifazio Veronese - Art Print