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Last Judgment (detail 13) (Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua) by Giotto Di Bondone - Art Print
Last Judgment (detail 11) (Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua) by Giotto Di Bondone - Art Print
Last Judgment (detail 10) (Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua) by Giotto Di Bondone - Art Print
Last Judgment (detail 1) (Cappella Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua) by Giotto Di Bondone - Art Print
Christ Among the Doctors (North transept, Lower Church, San Francesco, Assisi) by Giotto Di Bondone - Art Print
Double Portrait (attributed to Giorgione) by Giorgione - Art Print
Bishop John Carroll by Gilbert Stuart - Art Print
Bishop Jean-Louis Anne Magdelaine Lefebvre de Cheverus by Gilbert Stuart - Art Print
The Departure of Tobias by Giovanni Antonio Guardi - Art Print
The Death of Joseph by Giovanni Antonio Guardi - Art Print
The Angel Appears to Tobias by Giovanni Antonio Guardi - Art Print
Madonna and Child with Saints by Giovanni Antonio Guardi - Art Print
Madonna by Giambettino Cignaroli - Art Print
The Penitent Magdalene by Giambattista Pittoni - Art Print
The Death of Joseph by Giambattista Pittoni - Art Print
Amalfi dal Convento dei Cappuccini by Giacinto Gigante - Art Print
Adoration of the Magi by Gerrit Claesz Bleker - Art Print
Presentation in the Temple by Gerbrand Van den Eeckhout - Art Print
Jeroboam's Sacrifice at Bethel by Gerbrand Van den Eeckhout - Art Print
Abraham and the Three Angels by Gerbrand Van den Eeckhout - Art Print
The Patient Job by Gerard Seghers - Art Print
Denial of St Peter by Gerard Seghers - Art Print
The Nativity - detail by Gerard David - Art Print
The Judgment of Cambyses (right panel) by Gerard David - Art Print